The Serpent’s Army is Out

NYAMAThe first of my Valducan Archive Adventures is out.  Set twenty years before Dämoren, The Serpent’s Army follows knights Clay Mercer and Max Schmidt as they hunt a lamia outside of Dallas Texas. I thought it would be fun to show them when they were young, capable hunters, and wanted to try a “buddy cop” sort of feel with it. I’ve touched on lamia in both Dämoren and Hounacier, but never had a good opportunity to really show them off until now. Also… biker gang.

I enjoyed writing Schmidt so much that because of this story he will have a much more active role in Ibenus*.

I want to thank Bloodshot Books, and editor Peter Kahle, for including me in their anthology. The Not Your Average Monster Anthology: A Besitary of Horrors is available at Amazon and includes 21 other stories as well. It’s a monster book (haha get it?) at over 350 pages. So once you’re done getting your Valducan fix, you have a lot of great fiction to keep you entertained.

* Ibenus Update:  I hope to finish the first draft in the next month. Currently it’s at over 90,000 words and looks to be the longest of the Valducan series so-far.