2016 in Review

2016 will be a year long remembered with a negative edge. It began with Bowie’s death and continued on with blow after blow. But not all was bad.

This year I was invited to speak at AllCon and FenCon. The biggest compliment was the invitation to speak at DFWcon. Being a guest at conventions that I once paid to attend and listen at was an enormous step for me. I’ve met a lot of amazing people and it has done nothing but help my career. I hope 2017 continues this trend.

I released the Valducan shorts Hungry Eyes and Raid on Wewelsburg with the SNAFU series by Cohesion Press.

My publisher Ragnarok Publications finalized a distribution deal with IPG and now my Valducan and Black Raven books are available in major bookstores. I had my first experience walking into a Barnes & Noble and discovering my books on the shelves. In fact, it was the very same Barnes & Noble where I used to attend a writing group where some of the very same Black Raven stories were worked on. 

Hounacier was a Audie Award finalist for Best Paranormal Audio Book. And while we didn’t win, just being a finalist for such an award is an enormous deal. R.C. Bray has been a god-send. 

My third novel, Ibenus, was published in September and has been very well received.

I finished my fourth Valducan novel Redemptor and sent that in to my editor in November. I am extremely happy with this one and really look forward to everyone seeing it.

In July, I quit my job and am now writing and geeking-out full-time.

After much prodding from my wife, I’ve started a YouTube channel where I discuss gaming and nerldy things.  I’m having way more fun with that than I had anticipated and am quickly climbing he technical learning curve. You should totally Subscribe to it.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/embed?layout=gallery&listType=playlist&list=UUQs8-UJ7IHsrzhQ-OQOYBmg[/embedyt]

I’ve started a completely new novel that is unlike anything I’ve tried before. There is no title yet, but it will be a gritty Portal Fantasy and I’m really loving where it’s headed. No, I’m not done with my Valducan series, but this new one sort of forced its way to the front of my brain and it’s got some serious bite.

So while 2016 might not have been the best year, it hasn’t been all bad. I hope things in 2017 are even better, but until then, I wish everyone a happy new year and thank you all for your amazing support.





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