I am so very happy to announce that the first collection of Black Raven stories, Mountain of Daggers, has officially released. It’s currently available on Kindle, and other sites will have it soon. Print editions will be appearing in 10 or so days.
Six years I’ve waited to say that. And it…felt…awesome.
Ahren has been my favorite character and a close imaginary friend for many years now. And while the book is technically a collection of short stories, the best way I could really describe it is as Season 1. Sea of Quills (or Season 2) will be coming out this October, and I can’t wait to see what beautiful cover art the team at Ragnarok Publications will have for it.
One year ago I posted a blog about the journey the Black Raven has taken from a single short story to where he is today. Personally, I find it rather fitting how it worked out after that.
I want to thank Crystalwizard, Jason Waltz, Joe Martin, and Tim Marquitz for bringing this dream to life.