Audie Nomination for Dämoren

This morning I received an email from my audio narrator R.C. Bray congratulating me that Damoren was nominated for an Audie Award for Best Paranormal. Needless to say, I’m thrilled.


Audie 2015

For those not familiar with the award, the Audie is presented by the Audio Publishers Association (APA) and is the top award for audiobooks.  This will be the 20th year for the Audies, and I’m very honored to be among those nominated. R.C. Bray did a fantastic job and I hope he sweeps the awards this year (he received a lot of nominations).



5 thoughts on “Audie Nomination for Dämoren

    1. Not sure. Everything has been signed to do it, so I think we’re just waiting for room to open in R.C Bray’s reading schedule. Once he begins recording it will still be a couple weeks. As a rough and dirty guess, I’ll say May/June is when I would begin expecting it.

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